
who we are

Our team punches well above its weight!

Our Team

We're a dedicated group of advertising film makers, some of whom have worked in the business for decades and have the experience that comes with that maturity. Many thousands of productions shot throughout the UK and around the world have passed through our collective hands, from micro-budget video to TV commercials, brand films, TV documentary all the way to mega-budget period costume drama in stereoscopic 3D, and all delivered seamlessly.

Whatever the budget, we always make sure as much of it goes on screen as possible and deliver excellent value for money. What we achieve in terms of quality and finish is much higher than you would get elsewhere, and is reflected in the many awards we have won over the years.

We're happy to come and take a creative brief wherever you are, travel is not a problem. Or we will shoot to your agency storyboard. From script to screen, we'll take care of every detail to produce the best possible film, on time and on budget.

We also have access to a large pool of talented cast and crew via our national networks. And if you decide to shoot in the Toon, we'll give you a warm Northern welcome!


    Stephen Salam

    Producer |Director | Writer

    For Steve, directing is like Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - it's a balance between time and energy! But with over 30 years of experience as a writer and director of commercials, corporate films and TV programmes, any uncertainty simply disappears, just like the ether.

    Sue Salam

    Managing Director

    Someone has to be in charge around here, and Sue's "take no prisoners" Yorkshire temperament seems ideally suited to the job of Managing Director. But underneath that steely exterior we know she’s just a pussycat really!